The Boy from the Future

I am a mother of three kids, and I've had a strange thing happen to me. I have a son, and I'm realizing now that he looks a great deal like a man I met when I was young. In the 1950s, my dad almost ran over this boy who was about my age at the time, the man spoke of things which I had never heard of before, I remember that he said he had two TVs when it was rare to find a house with one, and he said that a new episode of a show was an oldie and that we were watching reruns. I was attracted to this boy, which I now see is a bit creepy, because I had a fetish for people who my Dad almost murdered. This boy was wearing what looked like a life raft, which I now see is what my son wore in the 1980s, and when he was at diners he always asked for Pepsi Free, in the 1950s. The boy kept on trying to get me to date this guy who was a total dork, but the boy kept on doing sexy things like beating up bullies, inventing modern Rock & Roll, and inventing skateboards. Eventually the boy took me to the prom, where I almost got raped, and the boy (My son), wasn't too shocked about it. But then the dork came and pulled the door open and beat up the bully, while getting beat back. Because of my weird fetish I then fell in love with him instead of the boy from the future. The boy from the future then said when he leaved that if our son set fire to the rug that we should let him off...
The scary thing was that our son did set fire to the rug, and our son was named the same thing as the boy in the 1950s...